How to Care For Cotton Flannel Fabric?

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The cotton flannel fabric is a soft fabric originally used to make warm clothing and combat low temperatures due to its insulating capacity and durability. It was a popular fabric among farmers, lumberjacks, and people who worked outdoors during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.


Today, it is used in shirts, pajamas, sheets, and underwear to combat the cold. It is essential to pay attention to cotton garments such as flannels or shirts, to keep them in perfect condition. The washing is one of the points where you must be very careful to avoid shrinkage and also differentiate between remove stains in clothing colored cotton and remove stains in clothing white cotton, not to mix colors. In this article of a How we explain in detail how to care for a cotton flannel.


Steps to follow:

1. First of all, it should be noted that you can check if your flannel is cotton by looking at the label that will carry the garment. There you will find the composition and find out if it is a 100% cotton garment or the percentage of this fabric is smaller and combined with others.


2. In the same way, on the label, you will see instructions and recommendations for washing, which you must follow to avoid damaging your cotton flannel. Normally, these types of garments resist very well the fact of being washed and can go to the washing machine. Even so, some aspects should be taken into account so as not to damage it.

3. Therefore, to take care of your cotton flannel, it is recommended to turn it over before washing it to prevent it from wearing too much and getting it to last longer. This will be especially indicated for those flannels that have some pattern or sewn elements, since this way we will keep them in optimal conditions.


4. Although many cotton garments can be washed in hot water, it is necessary to pay attention and do not wash them at high temperatures, because they can shrink and/or lose color. In general, it will also be possible to put them in the dryer after washing them, but we repeat that you should always consult it in the washing instructions that appear on the label of each garment.

In summary, Cotton products with flannel generally shrink a bit, so keep this in mind before washing them for the first time. It is better to wash with your hands since you will wash the fabric very gently with your hands. If this is not possible, wash it in the lowest position of the machine in cold water. Use a very mild detergent. If there is any stain on the flannel cloth, never rub this with a brush. Hold the fabric in your hand and gently rub the fabric. This will eliminate the stain. Never use hard bleach, detergent or bleaching agent to wash the flannel fabric. How to dry? The best option to dry the flannel is the natural dry method. Never hang the very wet cloth on the clothesline outside as the material may lose its shape.


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